013 Cholegin – Pai Mu Tan white tea with calendula Morning Light

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Catalog number: 3650
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Pai Mu Tan white tea is a true lady among all the teas. Its infusion is mild and sweet, without any hints of grass flavour. It has a cleansing effect, thanks to the polyphenols which are powerful antioxidants that remove free radicals from the body. Drinking this tea will boost your energy and stimulate your senses. What is more, the sight of blooming calendula flowers while the tea is brewing is simply enchanting. The Morning Light will bewitch you with its charm and surprise you with its unique appearance and wonderful taste. Drinking it in the morning is a great way to start a good day.

Ingredients: Pai Mu Tan white leaf tea, calendula flower

Method of preparation: One teaspoonful of tea per cup brew in hot water at 70 °C to 80 °C. The time of brewing the white tea varies from 4 to 6 minutes. If you want to increase the strength of the tea infusion, use more leaves instead of lengthening the brewing time.

Net Weight: 30g

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